The Klondike

As you might imagine, Dawson City is all about the gold rush and the Klondike.  The history is very well documented with visits to the eight National Historic Sites in Dawson City. We didn’t get to see all of these. For example, we didn’t visit the sites celebrating famous authors like Jack London (author of Call of the Wild), Robert Service (poet/writer) and Pierre Burton (author of ‘The Last Spike’ – and so many more). We will have the opportunity to take in the sites we missed when we head to Tuktoyuktuk next year to dip our toe in the Arctic Ocean.

Now to those sites we did see. Dredge No. 4 was the last and largest dredge operating in Dawson City.  Parks Canada salvaged the dredge after it sunk, a process that took almost 2 years.  Once again, Faye was our tour guide and she continued to regale us with her amazing stories.

Bear Creek Historical Site reminds us of how enormous the shops and services required to support the search for gold were. These shops maintained and repaired all the dredges in the whole area up until 1954 or so including the only gold processing shop (which smelts gold into bar ingots).

You may have noticed it has been several days since our last post. As I mentioned before, there are days when we did not have internet access so posting became impossible. Once we got service, we learned of how bad the smoke from various fires were around BC so we decided not to mosey around BC but rather head straight home.

However, even though our fabulous trip is over, the memories, which we will continue to tell you about, are not.

More on Dawson City coming ….

The Post Office


  1. Smart choice coming straight home! Things are getting out of control, there has been no rain at all. (a mist in north van the other day but that was it)

  2. So glad you had a great time and that you are home safe and sound without getting stuck somewhere because of the awful wildfires.

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