A Cry For Justice

I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, while these men walk the earth

This very poignant poem, ‘A Cry for Justice’, written by Joe Wallace, serves as a reminder that we must do everything we can to stop those who foul all human worth. I have since put this poem to music with the banjo. 

A CRY FOR JUSTICE by Joe Wallace

I’ve lead the fight on a thousand fields and found my foe-man brave
And when he fell as some must fall, I warred not with his grave
But the men who shattered Lidice have fouled all human worth
I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, while these men walk the earth

I have compassion on the blind and pity for weak
And I forgive who does me wrong as I forgiveness seek
But the men who planned the murder camps have fouled all human worth
I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, while these men walk the earth

There is a stain in the sunlight now, a taint in the clover breeze
The shores are black with aching shapes cast up by bleeding seas
The men who fired on their drowning prey, have fouled all human worth
I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, while these men walk the earth.

Jewish Ghetto, Rome, Italy

This picture was taken in Rome in what they call the “Jewish Ghetto” which is not an inappropriate nickname. That’s what the neighborhood is called, and what locals (and Jewish locals) call it. Second, it’s not a “ghetto” in the modern sense — though it has its own very sad history of discrimination and poverty.

When Mussolini was deposed and the Nazis occupied Rome late in the second world war, about 2,000 Jews of the ghetto’s 7,000 were rounded up in a single day in 1943 and sent to concentration camps. Only 16 survived.

The turtles you see on the fountain we lovingly removed and hidden as Jews learned that they were under attack.

Wear a mask and fight fascism!

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