I find it very difficult to continue to post about travel when so many lives are in peril and the specter of fascism looms over us. The frustration has reached the boiling point. So many black people have been murdered by the police of a racist regime. Many more black, brown, and poor people have been murdered by the government’s lack of response to Covid-19. Protestors from around the world are showing solidarity with the BLM movement in spite of the stepped-up aggression by an unstable despot. We, the people throughout the world, must put an end to systemic racism and social injustice.

This is the end of the series that started with the post called “Roads – then and now (May 14)”. Each post in the series will describe each day of what we had hoped to do on our ‘cancelled due to Covid-19’ trip to the Arctic Ocean in 2020 AND what we did do on our Cross-Canada trip in 2019.
Arctic Ocean:
We would have reached our destination today: Tuktoyaktuk.