This is part of a series that started with the post called “Roads – then and now (May 14)”. Each post in the series will describe each day of what we had hoped to do on our ‘cancelled due to Covid-29’ trip to the Arctic Ocean in 2020 AND what we did do on our Cross-Canada trip in 2019.
Arctic Ocean:
Today we would have traveled on both ferries and arrived into Inuvik.
Cross-Canada 2019:
We headed for the Newfoundland ferry in North Sydney. But not before we stopped at our favourite seafood chowder place “Charlene’s Bayside Cafe at Whycocomagh.
We thought we could enter the ferry terminal and stay there the night since our departure was to be first thing in the morning, but nay. Wasn’t happening. We found a nice little pull-out not far from the terminal at a place called Indian Beach. It was quite a bit of rain so we didn’t go out exploring.