Dempster Hwy / Partridge Island – May 30

This is part of a series that started with the post called “Roads – then and now (May 14)”. Each post in the series will describe each day of what we had hoped to do on our ‘cancelled due to Covid-29’ trip to the Arctic Ocean in 2020 AND what we did do on our Cross-Canada trip in 2019.

Arctic Ocean:

We would be camping somewhere along the Dempster Hwy. It is a long strip but hopefully will be highlighted by wildlife and nice scenery. We are headed toward the Peel River Ferry (called Dempster Hwy ferry) but we may not reach it today. If we do reach it, there is no saying we will be in time to catch it today. We will see how this pans out.

Cross-Canada 2019:

We stopped at the Fort Beausejour – Fort Cumberland National Historia Site. This fort depicts the conflicts between France and britain in the 18th century. It is located on the border between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

It was really cold here, and of course, it wasn’t open either. This, of course, was my favourite view…

After stopping at the Nova Scotia Provincial Visitor Information Centre, we headed toward Partridge Island, Parrsboro, NS to camp. This is situated on the other side of the Bay of Fundy.

As we started to explore, we came across these herring fish nets they the fishers put up each season. At high tide (36-45 ft), the fish get into the nets and because of a circle at the end, they are unable to get out. Then when the tide goes out, the fish are left there for the taking.

We walked over in low tide but had to high-tail it back as the tide was coming in.

We hiked up the mountain (actually a hill) following their ‘ecological trail’.

We have seen so many unique benches in our travels — like this one.

This is ‘Ottawa House’ in Parrsboro. Yes, you guessed it, closed for now.

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