This is part of a series that started with the post called “Roads – then and now (May 14)”. Each post in the series will describe each day what we had hoped to do on our ‘cancelled due to Covid-29’ trip to the Arctic Ocean in 2020 AND what we did do on our Cross-Canada trip in 2019.
Arctic Ocean:
We planned to take Hwy 2 and visit the Yukon Wildlife Preserve and perhaps stay at the Takhini Hot Springs.
Cross-Canada 2019:
We first stopped at the Cap-des-Rosiers Lighthouse. I guess it goes without saying, that there are many lighthouses in this area.

We drove around the Forillion National Park campground but found that it, also, was not open.
So proceeded on our way and visited the Musée de la Gaspésie.

The drive today was really nice but when it came time to settle down for the night, we didn’t find an ideal place. So we tucked ourselves down a lane into the bush and watched the rain from the dry inside. That is the nice part of having a camper and not needing any resources.

One of the things that made driving around Gaspé so interesting was the colours they use on their houses and the many birdhouses we see throughout. People seem to be very creative and imaginative in the design of their neighbourhoods. Definitely a place I would return to — but, once again, later in the year.