Trails – May 22

This is part of a series that started with the post called “Roads – then and now (May 14)”. Each post in the series will describe each day what we had hoped to do on our ‘cancelled due to Covid-29’ trip to the Arctic Ocean in 2020 AND what we did do on our Cross-Canada trip in 2019.

Arctic Ocean:

We would have been heading to Evan’s hunting grounds where we will stay for 2 nights. We absolutely won’t do any hunting but we planned to hike the places they hike when they are hunting. We would be taking fishing rods along on this trip (we should have last time) so perhaps we would catch some fish for dinner.

Cross-Canada 2019:

Since we are covering two days here, it gives me a chance to mention our stay at Parc des Moulins near Wendake the night before we went to Isle aux Coudres. We actually stayed in their parking lot (which was huge) and we don’t have any pictures because the park was not open this early in the year. But it looks very beautiful — we will have to put it as a ‘must-do’ for our next trip across Canada.

Taking yet another trip across Canada seems even more feasible now since it might be some time before I will want to take on getting on a plane to anywhere. I especially don’t think I wish to go to the USA. There is just so much more to see and do in Canada.

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